The purple flower is a Salvia leucantha, or Mexican bush sage. It will be nice in the front area where I already have several varieties of salvia. I also bought a Salviagreggi Furmans Red salvia, which has a nice fragrance.
The other two plants I have photographed are both shade lovers, and will go behind the pond. The one with the yellow spots is Farfugium japonieum "Aureamaculata". It has yellow flowers at the end of long stems. The larger, bushy tropical looking plant is a Fatsia japonica Jampanese fatsia. It should make a dramatic look to that back corner of the yard.
I also bought 3 mums, on sale, since they are a bit past their peak. But, they should be nice perennials for the front yard.
Hopefully I can get them all planted in the next few days.