The other plant, with the fuchsia and yellow flowers is a four o'clock. I swore I would never grow these again! At our last house I was constantly digging up the invasive tubers. But, on the south side of our house the soil is bad and I decided to plant things that would need very little attention. The four o'clock are doing well, but not being very invasive.
We are having delightfully cool weather right now. Rare for early September, but I hope that we can do some significant yard work on Monday after a quick trip to Asheville for the Labor Day weekend.
I found it! Actually one of my coworkers knew. This is Ageratum houstonianum, sometimes called bluemink. It is an annual, re-seeder. I have no idea where it came from. Perhaps it was a donation from a nice bird.
1 comment:
I, too, would like to know the names of all the plants in our garden; but Robert and I are at a distinct disadvantage, since we are only part time gardeners. I know the names of the main plants, as we were part of the decision making, but now we've employed some very able gardening neighbors to do the heavy work for us. They've used my pots, for instance and stuck in some lovely surprises. My thought has been to catch them at work and wander through the yard and ask them what the mystery plants are but haven't done it yet.
I take lots of pictures but should be systematic each year with various photos of each plant in all seasons AND with the names of each!
Always enjoy your blog, you're doing a lovely job with your yard and it's a work of love.
Have fun in Asheville and give my love to all, Lissa
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