Although I've been very inactive on this blog, I've been busy in the garden. This is such a great time to move things.
I was given some more iris, and my crinums were far too crowded, so we dug a new bed in the back yard, and moved the iris and criums there. I have added dianthus to the front bank, as well as hens & chicks (sempervivum tectorum). I've also added them to various bare spots around the yard. I moved two hardy begonias to the far back of the yard. They were not doing well where they were. I was given several more helleborus, and I have planted those in the front south gardens (with others which is one of these photos) and in the back. I also added two white azaleas to the back and moved some money plant (Lunaria annua) and hostas to the back. We have a nice shady area around the pond.
I've divided hens & chicks, aromatic aster, and canna, and given those to other gardeners. I've also added a number of annuals to the yard, such as marigolds, petunias and dusty miller.
I am not going to do many vegetables this year, but I am adding more herbs to the garden. I planted a scallion plant, and I have some oregano from another gardeners to add. I also plan to add chives and perhaps some other great herbs.
I am excited about some of my perennials. I have many more crocosmia than last year. Also my bourbon roses have lots of buds. They did not bloom at all last year. The catmint is coming up, but I have seen no sign of the butterfly weed I planted in the fall. So far, the lantana has not returned either. My biggest surprise is the Clematis I planted beside the deck last summer. It did nothing, but this year it is robust and blooming. This is a good photo of it.
I've been checking your blog a lot lately, assuming you were working in your garden. Now I know you were and didn't have time or energy for blogging, too. I'm glad to have gotten an update. You've mentioned many plants I clearly don't know by name but would probably recognize. I love seeing your photographs and was delighted that they fill the screen when double clicked. The detail of the enlarged picture is amazing.
Keep blogging, cuz. LWR
Glad you are following my garden adventures, Liss. It is so much fun, and I am constantly learning. I probably have close to 75 gardening books now. Keeping the names straight is a challenge.
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