Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Almost Summer

It has been way too long since I posted anything.  However, my gardens are growing well, and it is time to show them off.

Over the fall and winter, I completely reworked one bed, to make it more butterfly friendly.  I am quite pleased with the results.  I have a variety of plants to attract butterflies, particularly the swallowtail and monarch.
Lots of fennel and parsley for the swallowtail caterpillars, and a variety of nectar plants.  I have also added a "puddler" for the butterflies to perch on.  Haven't seen any use it yet.

I planted lots of milkweed two years ago.  Last year, it grew, but never flowered or had seed pods.  This year it has spread, and is very healthy.  Lots of buds, and today I found the first flowers.  Monarchs do like other nectar plants, but they have to have milkweed.

Next post I will share my bush bean angst.